By Stephen Mayne @finalreel Roy Andersson’s films are so uniquely his own it’s hard to reconcile them with the world around us. Yet were anyone to venture into the idiosyncratic Swedish director’s head, I strongly suspect they would reveal themselves as a weirdly precise form of documentary filmmaking. A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence, the third in his loosely connected “living” trilogy, resembles a world watched from afar by a viewer not completely familiar with the ways...
By Dr Katy Shaw ‘There is nothing in this film you don’t already know’ declares Russell Brand in the opening scene of Michael Winterbottom’s new movie about the 2007-8 financial crisis Emperor’s New Clothes. A joint project between heavy-weights of the directing and comedy worlds, the movie’s main focus is the financial crash of 2007-8 and its consequences, from bankers’ bonuses at HSBC and Citibank, to the Occupy movement, corporate tax-dodging by Vodaphone and Apple, the privatisation of housing and zero hours contracts....
By Miranda Schiller @mirandadadada Zoska is a boyscout, part of Szare Szeregi (the Grey Ranks), a scouting organisation fighting against the Nazi occupation in Warsaw. They mainly do acts of so-called “minor sabotage”, like tearing down a Nazi flag from a public building. With sharp editing and an upbeat electronic rock sound, these scenes evoke classic coming-of-age film boy pranks. But this is quickly contrasted by showing the real danger of these acts. Even tearing down a flag could cost...
By Stephen Mayne @finalreel What happens when you discover you’re not who you’re meant to be? In that fine Scandinavian tradition, Force Majeure ruthlessly picks apart familial relationships by teasing out a thread and pulling until everything unravels. That it’s done against a beautifully rendered postcard setting and with a wicked streak of dark humour is all to director/writer Ruben Östlund’s credit. The cinema of our northern European friends is particularly good at finding emotional weak points and exploiting them...
By Emma Silverthorn @HouseOf_Gazelle On paper the trajectory of novelist Phillip’s career is every writers dream. With the publication of his second book Philip (Jason Schwartzman) is put on The New Yorker’s five under thirty five list, is taken under the wing of his literary idol Ike Zimmerman (Jonathan Pryce) and is offered unlimited residence at Zimmerman’s summerhouse retreat. The films premise lying in Philip’s strong desire to eschew toxic, urban life in order to find creative solitude and peace... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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