Heaven Adores You – Film Review

By Stephen Mayne  It was film that brought me to Elliott Smith, and it’s in film that director Nickolas Dylan Rossi finds him again. I was 15 and in search of something when I first came across the scene in The Royal Tenenbaums where Luke Wilson tries to take his own life. Playing over it is Needle in the Hay, a devastating song off Elliott’s second solo album. The intense pain and beauty had me hooked. That’s how it is with...

Girlhood: The Changing Face Of French Cinema – An interview with Céline Sciamma and Karidja Touré

By Miranda Schiller @mirandadadada Karidja Touré, the celebrated star of Céline Sciamma's Girlhood, looks small in the big hotel room armchair where she sits doing back-to-back interviews all day. She looks small, but not lost. She is visibly really enjoying this, soaking in every minute of this new part of her life, being an actress. She was literally cast off the street for Girlhood, but she did secretly always dream of being an actress. Karidja explained: “Sometimes when people ask...

Timbuktu – Film Review

Miranda Schiller @mirandadadada Abderramahne Sissako revisits the country of his childhood, Mali, in his powerful outcry of a film. Timbuktu and the surrounding desert region were under jihadist control for about a year from 2012 to 2013. The new leaders, for the most part coming from different countries, ride around town on motorbikes and in jeeps, announcing their laws with megaphones. Football and music is forbidden, women must cover up and wear gloves, it is forbidden to smoke, to sit...

Girlhood – Film Review

by Miranda Schiller @mirandadadada Girlhood is the story of Marième's journey from obedient child to defiant girl gang member to young adult fending for herself. It is a story of black female teenagers in the suburbs of Paris. It is a story of female friendship. It is a story of strength, of finding your way out. Marième grows up with many restrictions. Her mother is mostly at work, leaving her to look after her two younger sisters. Her older brother...

Listen Up Philip : Film Review

By Emma Silverthorn @HouseOf_Gazelle On paper the trajectory of novelist Phillip’s career is every writers dream. With the publication of his second book Philip (Jason Schwartzman) is put on The New Yorker’s five under thirty five list, is taken under the wing of his literary idol Ike Zimmerman (Jonathan Pryce) and is offered unlimited residence at Zimmerman’s summerhouse retreat. The films premise lying in Philip’s strong desire to eschew toxic, urban life in order to find creative solitude and peace...

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