Those who have been charmed by the wily confidence of George Blagden’s libidinous King Louis XIV in Versailles may find themselves taken aback by Jean-Pierre Léaud’s frail and reclusive incarnation of the Sun King, whom we are introduced to at the start of The Death of Louis XIV: Albert Serra’s solemn chronicle of the monarch’s final days. The palace of Versailles is no longer the buzzing hive of royal intrigue it once was, but an eerily quiet fortress from where...
Wyndham Hacket Pain @WyndhamHP David Lynch is one of film’s most striking and unique directors. In the 40 years since his debut feature Eraserhead he has created some of the most singular works in modern American film. It is therefore a real challenge for a documentary about such a figure to live up to the person they are trying to depict. It is a pleasure then to say that David Lynch: The Art Life, the latest documentary about him, tries...
By Anna Power An intergenerational female friendship flick with some nice ideas at its core but like so many others panders to schmaltz in its execution, though not unenjoyably so. Octogenarian Harriet Lauler (Shirley MacLaine) lives a loveless life. Her days roll on relentlessly; her pristine home a prison of sorts and you get a disturbing sense of the vacuum around her routine of lonely meals and frustrated gazing out the window over lengthy lawns at life. Filling the void...
Terrence Malick has seemingly become so committed to his own self-aggrandising brand of philosophically indulgent, freeform filmmaking that one could arguably be justified in calling him the Michael Bay of arthouse auteurism. Granted, it’s impossible not to be intrigued by the output of a director who’s driven solely by his own artistic vision, but contrary to popular belief, Malick is not some sort of celestial, cinematic being: his earlier works – Badlands and The Thin Red Lines – may have...
Wyndham Hacket Pain @WyndhamHP At a time in the year when the cinemas are filled with action blockbusters and superhero franchises it can be easy to overlook films about the seemingly mundane and every day. There is a wonderful humility to The Midwife that has no pretensions and just aims to bring life to a seemingly unremarkable story. Set in Paris, the film follows single mother and midwife Claire (Catherine Frot) who lives a lonely existence in the city’s suburbs....
Invigorated with a refreshingly ebullient zeal, the films of Edgar Wright have never been known to suppress their influences. His feature debut – A Fistful of Fingers, “the greatest western ever made… in Somerset” – was dedicated to Sergio Leone, amongst others, and delighted in imitating the gritty, sun-scorched design of the Dollars trilogy. Likewise, his highly lauded Cornetto series – Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and The World’s End – took great joy in toying with the tropes...
By Linda Marric Director Laura Poitras (Citizenfour, 2014) spent 6 arduous and paranoia-filled years documenting the life of one of the most controversial figures in recent times. In Risk, Academy Awards winner Poitras offers a fascinating character study of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, and charters in a very detailed fashion his rise from revered freedom of information hero, to maligned villain hiding in a foreign embassy to escape a sexual offence investigation. Risk is a complex yet thoroughly accessible piece...
By Linda Marric Fresh from igniting a lively debate about Netflix and their validity as fully fledged competitors at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, Okja finally arrives to Netflix for the rest of us to devour. Directed by Bong Joon Ho (The Host, 2006) and co-written by British writer Jon Ronson (Them, So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed, The Men That Stare At Goats), Okja offers a wild and wonderful story about animal welfare in a near future, and mixes beautifully...
Wyndham Hacket Pain @WyndhamHP Based on the bestselling novel by Fredrick Blackman of the same name, A Man Called Ove follows Ove, a grumpy old man with a similar facial expression to that of John Sergeant, whose interests include Saab cars, making sure his neighbours are well behaved, and visiting the grave of his wife. When he looses his job of 43 years he is left with nothing better to do than kill himself. What plays out is an inconvenient... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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