★★★★☆ 2017’s Japanese zombie comedy, One Cut of the Dead, became a word-of-mouth sensation on the festival circuit. Boasting a clever film-within-a-film setup, it revealed itself to be anything but the same old zombie apocalypse yarn, more a charming celebration of guerrilla filmmaking, artistic creativity, thinking on your feet and the little miracles that happen on a beleaguered film set. Fast forward to 2022, and Michel Hazanavicius’ wonderful French remake has opened the 75th Cannes Film Festival. The Oscar-winning filmmaker...
★★★★★ In the Iranian city of Mashhad, between 2000-2001, a serial killer murdered 16 prostitutes. Upon capture, Saeed Azimi told the authorities he was doing the work of God, cleaning his home city of vice and moral corruption. Many in the country appeared to believe him and rallied against his conviction, turning the case into a national phenomenon. Ali Abbasi’s grim drama about predatory evil dressed up as a religious cause begins as a textbook Hitchcockian homage before transforming into...
Veteran filmmaker Clint Eastwood has had one of the most enduring careers in the history of Hollywood, both behind and in front of the camera. Now on his eighth decade in the business, the 4 times Oscar-winner is still averaging a film a year even in the midst a global crisis. While his more recent output hasn’t always been met with the critical praise he's been accustomed to - who could forget the truly baffling 15:17 to Paris - his...
Villeneuve creates a work with points of access out of unwieldy source material
Linklater inspired hipster gay movie proves flimsy and one-dimensional.
A horror filled with interesting ideas and plenty of potential can still feel a little sour
Cult TV comedy excels in a cinematic swansong
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