On the toilet, at parties – and even at funerals are among the bizarre places boxset fans are streaming their favourite shows, it has emerged. Researchers who carried out a detailed study found almost one in five have watched the latest episode from the loo, while one in 50 even admitted tuning in at the burial or cremation of a loved one. Almost one in five have caught up with the latest episode at work, while more than one in...
The 38-year-old I'm a Celeb winner claimed her child's 75 per cent attendance rate was due to "illness or other unavoidable causes"
Rich Kids Go Skint star Jodie Weston said she "feared for her life" when the man followed her into an alleyway and grabbed here - before biting down on her left cheek.
Cameron Marshall, 23, was jailed for stealing body spray from a shared bathroom
"I've never been more sure that inclusivity starts from the youngest possible age. I hope these stories will be used for years to come."
Award winning comedian and News Quiz favourite Jeremy Hardy has died after battling cancer his publicist has announced. Tributes from the greats of broadcasting, comedy and social activisim have poured in this morning (see below). The Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said: "Jeremy Hardy was a dear, lifelong friend. He always gave his all for everyone else and the campaigns for social justice. You made us all smile. You made us all think. Rest in peace, Jeremy." The comedian was 57 and...
The incredible green light display can be seen over the peak of Kirkjufell - also known as 'The Witch's Hat'
The 47-year-old former Grange Hill and London Burning actor suddenly broke into the Veolia lorry while it did its morning rounds near his north London home.
Celebrity chef's son Marco Pierre White Jr has admitted a charge of drunken disorderly and one of using racially aggravated threatening language.
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