Alan Partridge meeting a super-fan has been voted the best ever British comedy scene by over 100 professional comedians and actors including David Baddiel, Jenny Eclair, Reece Shearsmith and Alexei Sayle. In addition to containing the best comedy scene, I’m Alan Partridge was named the second most popular sitcom among comedians - with Blackadder in third, The Office in fourth and Father Ted in fifth. Alan Partridge also overcame competition from Basil Fawlty, David Brent, Del Boy and The Young...
What is Christmas time for if not spending it off eating copious amounts of food and binge watching some of your favourite festive movies? The team at Childrens Bed Shop have put their creative heads together, argued long into the night, and drawn up a list of their ten favourite Christmas films that both you and the kids can enjoy together! The Muppets Christmas Carol (1992) As good as any adaptation as you’re ever likely to get, The Muppets retelling...
The Vikings star talks to TLE all about female warriors, her role as Helga, and boarding school vibes on set… What attracted you to the role of Helga, are there any similarities between you? She came into the script as this kind of carefree, Viking hippie, who was a fundamental pagan. She was kind of a wild character, and that’s always a fun thing for an actor to play. She’s become a strong, independent woman who’s had to deal with...
Dr Nigel Mellor is a bit confused about the revolving door for actors in cop dramas We’ve got a severe case of CSI : Crime Series Interference. Unfortunately our recorder can only handle one show at a time, which means we watch one, save one, get one on catch up and watch the news in the middle. So sometimes we’re watching three or four at once. Now, Annie’s dead, which is awful ‘cos she’s gorgeous and she’s been in everything...
Four members of the Made in Chelsea production crew crash landed in the Pacific Ocean as the cast headed to film a special in Costa Rica. The production plane crashed over the Pacific en route to Central america while the rest of the cast and crew were flying to a luxury resort separately. However, they will be flying back to the UK "as soon as possible" after the shoot was abandoned. The small Cessna 210 Centurion plane was carrying two senior producers and...
I was stood waiting for a train on platform 14 at Manchester Piccadilly station about 10 years ago. I was going to see my Mum who was in hospital in Chester, she was not very well at all, I was very worried about her. Whilst on the platform, I noticed a lady standing quietly by the entry to the waiting room wearing a raincoat, and clutching a handbag. She had perfectly set hair, like ladies of a certain age and...
In third year of uni I took a bit of a mental turn on a night out and was suddenly convinced that everyone around me was a replicant; a robot masquerading as a human, with viscous porridge for blood and a hard-wired hatred for humanity. ‘I’m the only meatbag here,’ I thought, ‘how could I be so blind?’ My mind bucked and waned under the philosophical crisis of it. Then of course there was the physical threat. At any moment...
We all know and love the BBC iPlayer function but as with many modern technologies, there has been a loophole in the system that has, up until now, allowed individuals to use the iPlayer without owning a TV license. Most commonly this includes expats living abroad who want to keep up to date with their favourite programmes and under the old rules, you only needed to own a TV license if you watched television live – meaning programmes that were...
Former Saturday Kitchen presenter James Martin is reportedly in talks to replace Chris Evans as the new host of Top Gear. Evans quit Top Gear after the public failed to warm to the new line-up, with the BBC Radio 2 disk jockey backed up by Friend's star Matt Le Blanc and Eddie Jordan amongst others. Now Martin, a self-confessed petrol head, looks to be in talks about taking the reigns. According to the Sunday People, Martin lost out to Evans when... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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