These pictures have got female pulses racing as Poldark heartthrob Aidan Turner is seen during filming - holding a BABY. Aidan was captured cradling the newborn on set - sparking rumours among fans his character could become a dad in the next series. The cast and crew of the popular BBC drama have been spotted throughout Cornwall over the past week, filming in a number of locations. Aidan, who plays lead Ross Poldark, has already been seen on set sharing...
A ‘lost’ episode of Only Fools and Horses that is said to have been lying on a dusty shelf for years has been released to viewers for the very first time. The never-before-seen episode filmed in 1984, titled ‘Licensed to Drill’, features Del Boy, Rodney and Grandad at the top of their game, and is especially significant as it was Lennard Pearce’s final appearance as Grandad before his death. In the episode, Del Boy, played by David Jason, thinks he’s on to a...
A new 'Bake Off' contestant is a cancer survivor who once exposed a 'spiritual healer' who claimed she could help cure the disease. Chris Geiger, 50, has written a book on surviving cancer and went undercover with the BBC in 2013 to investigate Dr Corascendea Cathar. Chris, who was treated for non-Hodgkin lymphoma in his 20s, secretly filmed an appointment with the self-styled spiritual healer. In the two-hour session, Dr Cathar, who had no medical qualifications, offered him dietary advice....
Back in the early days of NASCAR that circuit of hard driving, pit row fighting, Richard Petty, Junior Johnson, pedal to the metal high speed oval track racing had two basic rules: try not to kill anyone, and the cars actually had to be street legal right down to working headlights. Other than that, go to it boys. As such, the Big Three auto manufacturers in Detroit released limited edition models specifically designed to hold the track at Daytona, Talladega...
Brexit has thrown up few morsels of good news over the past year, but this is one thing that we all can celebrate. With middle aged, patriotic Brits across the country engrossed in political mudslinging the BBC has decided that the time is right to bring Alan Partridge back to our screens. Creator and star Steve Coogan is aiming to have a new Partridge series written by the end of the year with a view to it launching on BBC2 next spring. Speaking...
Netflix has established itself as the go-to place for documentaries over the past few years. But deciding which doco to watch next can be a challenging feat. The ‘suggestions for you’ filter is as useful as a chocolate fireguard (‘Danny Dyer’s Deadliest Men’, seriously?). And there’s no longer an option to list documentaries by rating. Luckily, to save you hours of unnecessary trawling, we have created a rolling list of our favourite documentaries available on UK Netflix right now. Jim:...
They say that compromise is the key to a happy relationship, and so for the past few months every night at 9pm I have sat down to watch Love Island in exchange for TV dibs during test matches and live football games. I want to say that I've hated every moment of it, but the reality is that I've that it has been a thoroughly enjoyable series. I've laughed out loud, shed the occasional tear and gasped on numerous occasions...
Shocking video footage has emerged today of BBC producer Fergus Beeley's road rage rant - and he has already been likened to TV's misanthropic Basil Fawlty. John Cleese's fictional character, who is the star of TV comedy Fawlty Towers, is renowned for his spiteful and abusive treatment of guests. But even his rants couldn't beat the rage displayed by the producer behind many of David Attenborough's BBC shows. Beeley flew into a "raving state" after his car was forced to pull over at the side...
A former squaddie has cemented himself as the world's number two Game of Thrones fan - by transforming his TOILET into an Iron Throne. Chris Fleet, a former sniper, remodelled his bog to look like the iconic Iron Throne from the series, which relaunched for its seventh series on Monday. The toilet is decorated with massive black swords - just like the real thing from the smash hit HBO show. And it's also fully functional, as demonstrated when Chris took a... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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