
TLE Meets…Peter and Bambi Heaven

Hello, please, introduce yourself and tell us a little about your show 

We are Peter and Bambi Heaven Australia’s best magical entertainers and we’ve come all the way from Queensland to spray you guys with a little bit of Gold Coast Sunshine. We’re a new couple, Bambi’s only been doing magic for a few weeks but she’s made the jump from Cage-Dancer to Magicians-Assistant seamlessly. I’ve been doing this shit for thirty five years mate, so when I tell you that this show is hot you know its the truth. If you don’t come out of ‘When Love Becomes Magic’ high on life, you’re dead inside.

What do you love the most about performing? 

I think for the two of us, its about giving everything we’ve got to the crowd. People come to our shows looking for a top show from a couple of high quality units and we don’t disappoint, ever.

What do you hate the most about performing?

When it ends. When that curtain comes down at the end of the show, I just feel like the clock re-starts and I’m chomping at the bit to get back out there and rip the roof off again tomorrow night.

If you could collaborate with any performer living or dead, who would it be and why?

It would definitely be David Copperfield. He’s the reason I’m in showbiz and I mourn his death every day, he was a titan of entertainment and we’ll never see his like again. Rest in peace sweet prince, your work lives on in a thousand magicians hands.

What can we expect from you at your upcoming show at Soho Theatre? Any new tricks up the sleeve?

What you can expect is to have your mind blown. We’re not here to muck around, this new show is going to be the hottest thing at Soho Theatre. This is what we do; we get up back comb, chuck a costume on and rip the top off these shows every single time. Thats a fact.

Any advice for young performers trying to make in the biz?

Do the work, be professional and take yourself seriously. Get a goddamn haircut, tuck your shirt in and throw a bit of dazzle dazzle on it, people aren’t there to listen to your bloody ‘woe is me’ bullshit, they want to have a good time. Believe in yourself because only you can be the person that you want to be, today is the first day of NOW!

Peter & Bambi Heaven: When love Becomes Magic is at Soho Theatre on 15th & 16th December. Tickets are available from www.sohotheatre.com


Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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