By Harry Bedford The Union Chapel in Islington provides a stunning setting for a music concert, especially on a summer’s evening when the dimming sunlight shines through the stain glass windows and the chatter from the crowd resonates up to the rafters. The old wooden pews surround the stage allowing the entire audience a perfect view of the stage where the artists deliver their musical sermons. Tonight is the turn of country music songstress Caitlin Rose on the eve of...
Jack Peat reviews the musician’s musician at the 606 Club, Chelsea. There’s no better way of exposing the absolute mundaneness of everyday chart music than an evening with Bobby Wellins. Indeed, it is altogether impossible to fathom how such music exists when there is such a rich musical alternative readily available. Structureless in nature, but all the more intriguing for being so, tonight was the evening I fell back in love with jazz. The 606 Club in Chelsea is a...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor “Everything you can imagine is real” said Pablo Picasso, a concept which contemporary auteur Danny Passarella has embraced. He has just unveiled his first ever art exhibition, Fantasy Scenes, in The Gallery at Forge & Co this summer. While Danny is noted for his Passarella Death Squad project spanning fashion and music, his Fantasy Scenes show consists of science fiction-esque images that evoke the wonder of adolescence. These ‘Fantasy Scenes’ themselves are ten hyper-real coastal...
By Jonathan Hatchman Not dissimilar to the assassination of JFK, it seems that everyone can recall exactly where they were when Michael Jackson was pronounced dead on June 25th 2009. Regardless of personal preferences and stances towards his music, there can be no denying that Jackson was, indeed, one of the most famous and iconic musicians to ever grace our planet. Dying tragically at the young age of just 51, it seems unbelievable that five years have passed. So tying...
By Harry Bedford On a warm summer evening in the centre of London, just a stone’s throw from Covent Garden, you could be forgiven for not wanting to enter the underground cave that is Borderline, but you'd be making a big mistake. Mason Jennings, all the way from Bob Dylan’s home state of Minnesota, is due on stage at 9pm promoting the album Always Been that was released back in December. It had been seven years since he played on...
By Harry Bedford Today we have lost not only one of the greatest pop songwriters, but also one of the most important. Gerry Goffin was the man who put the words to the music of two of the finest melody writers in pop history, his then wife Carole King and Michael Masser. His career began with his teenage wife in the early sixties. Their first stroke of genius came in the form of Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow, performed...
From award-winning actor to model, Colm Meaney’s latest role will see him pose as Oscar Wilde. The 61-year-old will portray the famous Irish writer as a sitter for the 2014 Sky Portrait Artist of the Year. Wilde’s writings and quotes are still loved today, so the TLE thought it would be a great excuse to share some of his famous quotes with you…enjoy 1.True friends stab you in the front. 2. Women are made to be loved, not understood. 3....
By John S.Locke What do you say when a hero of yours dies? Especially when he is only 4 years older than yourself. A man who has been in your life for over 30 years as a part of the consciousness of your generation. It is surprising how much it has upset me personally, and judging by the continuous stream of beautiful, touching messages, comments and statements of disbelief, grief and genuine sorrow on Social media, I am not alone...
By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor “It all began as an inspired accident”, says Duncan James, a designer for a leading Clerkenwell-based advertising agency. “Doodling is a creative sanctuary for all graphic artists, but during one particularly tedious client briefing, something fascinating started to happen. A cartoon character, began to emerge from my idle scribbling.” From that day on clunkydoodles was born, out of sheer boredom. After months of development Duncan posted his results on Instagram and the response was overwhelming,... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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