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Gallery: Feed The Rhino

A gig photographer needs to be made of sturdy stuff. A dedicated tog must have the will to heft their gear on a nightly basis to the best (read: rowdiest) shows in town, risking lens and limb for the killer shot. All of the above – not a problem for Canterbury’s Rich Broome, a seasoned gig photographer who’s more than prepared for the rough-and-tumble of a hardcore club show. Having just completed a successful stint at this year’s Hevy Fest,...

Review: Hooton Tennis Club – Highest Point In Cliff Town

By Declan Roberts (@DeclanMR) Ranging from tales of never-ending love to nightmare party situations, Wirral-based foursome Hooton Tennis Club have made a heart-on-sleeve debut album. As consistency goes, HTC are the kings. As you progress through twelve tracks of wonderful titles, the slacker-pop of Howler and ‘I Should Coco’-era Supergrass springs to mind as Highest Point In Cliff Town gives us a breadth of skater-boy indie jams. ‘I’m Not Going Roses Again’ give us insight into a particularly disastrous night...

USA Nails Release Video For ‘I Am Normal’

The weather has turned, festival season is in its death throes, and the debut from USA Nails is on its way, writhing and retching its way towards us in a haze of weird dread. TLE were at ArcTanGent this year to catch the band's set and soak up their darkly humorous and nihilistic noise-rock. The new tracks aired there had us feeling all tingly inside, like a water balloon filled with tapeworms. Hopefully the video for 'I Am Normal' will...

Preview: Brighton Alternative Jazz Festival

By Daniel Mackenzie (@EkcaLiena) Another year reaches the point where wind is not welcome relief from sun but a frown-inducing reminder of the coming cold, and another brand new festival arrives on the shores of Brighton. 2014 saw the one-day experimental sound and performance art extravaganza that was Fort Process; this year Brighton Alternative Jazz Festival seeks to address the heinous mainstream festival mislabelling that has irked followers of the genre's more faithful shades. BAJF will somewhat prestigiously occupy The Old...

Jemima Surrender Release Video For ‘Or Anyone’

Jemima Surrender's Millie doesn't seem to have much luck on dinner dates. The grunge-pop trio's latest video sees the band's lead playing host to a gallery of unusual guests, most of whom are severely lacking in table manners. Take a look below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfvOP8yq7Xg&feature=youtu.be 'Or Anyone' is the second track to be revealed from their forthcoming debut album, The Uninhabited World, due for release on 19th October. The album launch will take place at the Louisiana on 22nd October, where Jemima Surrender will...

Review: Foals – What Went Down

By Declan Roberts (@DeclanMR) Savageness isn’t a word you’d want affiliated with yourself, but Yannis and co. embrace that very nature on fourth album What Went Down. It isn’t until you hear all ten songs that you understand their desire to be so brutal. As they honed hard-hitting rock on Holy Fire, Foals have never looked back from the wilderness. The title track opener is unforgiving to the eardrums as the battering ram cacophony of Oxford’s finest break down walls...

Review: Infinity Girl – Harm

By Michelle Ryan (@ShellRyan33) Infinity Girl may not be the hottest name on everyone’s lips right now but give it a minute and you’ll be glad you stopped by to check them out. The group emerged in 2012 with their Stop Being On My Side album before releasing an EP later that same year, starting to build buzz around their noise. Their sound became decidedly experimental and deviant. Now, the Brooklyn-by-way-of-Boston band have taken another turn in their musical navigations...

My campaign for working class actors

By Tom Stocks @actorawareness  I have been running the Actor Awareness campaign for two years now. The campaign is slowly gathering support from all corners of the industry social media, local newspapers and bloggers. The deeper I look the more apparent it becomes to me that working class actors can not seem to find a way into acting without bags of money. The awareness is at an all time high with high profile actors speaking of the issue and new...

Boys Announce Debut EP ‘Kind Of Hurt’

Swedish garage pop project Boys (AKA Nora Karlsson from HOLY) are set to release their first EP. Kind Of Hurt is slated for a 25th September release date through PNKSLM Recordings. Whet your appetite for its lo-fi garage and melodious pop with lead single 'Ever Before' which you can listen to below.

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