

It was soggy, then it was sweltering, then it was soggy again. On the weather front at least, August 2017 was as typical a British summer as you could get. Lucky for us, then, the release calendar was a proper scorcher.

The last 31 days saw new releases from our favourite pranged-out rapping chef Action Bronson, hangdog pomp from John Lasseter’s leathery squeeze Randy Newman and a vital-sounding new cut from Queens of the Stone Age. EMA is our new find of the month, back with gritted teeth on Exile in the Outer Ring, while Iron & Wine continue a winning streak of inventive acoustic on Beast Epic.

August was really all about LP5 though, wasn’t it? Brand New have returned, possibly for the last time, after an eight-year break with Science Fiction; an album worthy of closing out their discography and well worth your time. Check out ‘137’ below.

Cover Image – Brand New – Science Fiction

Grant Bailey

Grant is the music editor at the London Economic. Send horrid riffs.

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