
GALLERY – Anna Calvi dominates the crowd in a hail of shred in Heaven

Venue: Heaven, London
Date: 19.6.18
Photos: Grant Bailey (@GrantDBailey)

Anna Calvi is a true talent. As a performer, Calvi utterly dominates the stage (a formidable feat given the double-stage set-up at Heaven tonight). As a musician, the execution of her range-exploring songs is flawless.

Ah oh, the shred.

While a runway into the crowd can feel like a self-indulgence, a posing ramp for an inflated ego, Calvi maximises its impact. This truly is a solo strut, jutting into the crowd, Calvi storming down the runway with screaming guitar in hand, a whir of passion and chaos.




Grant Bailey

Grant is the music editor at the London Economic. Send horrid riffs.

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