
Countdown is on to the release of Vorderman’s new book

Carol Vorderman’s new book, ’NOW WHAT? On A Mission to Fix Broken Britain’, is set to hit the shelves in three weeks’ time.

The book, which has been billed as “part diary, part political manifesto”, sees Vorderman “reveal the intricate web of influence responsible for our nation’s unravelling”, and is peppered with behind-the-scenes stories of 20 months’ worth of campaigning.

Speaking ahead of the launch, Vorderman, 63, said: “I’ve been fighting this appalling Tory government with evidence and data, looking into the morally corrupt and questionable contracts they’ve signed with donors and associates.

“It’s endless, and exhausting and heartbreaking. I’ve never known this country in such a state, with so little help and hope offered to those who need it.

“But the tide has turned and I’m proud to have been a part of it.”

Since the book was first announced the Tories have been ousted from office after Labour won a landslide in the 2024 UK General Election.

On X, Vorderman posted: “Now we have a new government, there is some hope on the horizon.

“But the real political issues that allowed the last government to mismanage and deceive us for so long run deep. This is a book for those who have been made to feel as though politics isn’t for them.

“But I’ll show you how we all made a difference in the election, and how, by working together, we can influence our politics going forward.”

’NOW WHAT? On A Mission to Fix Broken Britain’ comes out on the 12th September.

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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