The Icelandic financial crisis of 2008 may, at first glance, seem just to be a footnote in the wider context of the 2007-9 global financial crisis and subsequent Great Recession, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. As revelatory new book Iceland’s Secret: The Untold Story of the World’s Biggest Con proves, this is the story of our times. Written by a true insider—the man who headed the forensic investigation into the collapse of Iceland’s three largest national banks,...
Coercive, controlling relationships are common, but a memoir about such experiences told from a man’s perspective is very rare. Coercive relationship survivor John Buchan-Nicol, who writes under a pseudonym, has taken the brave step of sharing his tragic ordeals in new memoir Janus, offering a fascinating read packed with fresh insights into the nature of toxic relationships, the harm they cause, and the psychological roots that can underpin a need to seek out the wrong partner. In this exclusive article,...
Timely and empowering new book "Impetus - No cover up" by British-Asian author, yoga instructor and mindfulness coach Lena Shah provides essential comfort food for the soul and for all those struggling with rejection, identity and finding an authentic place in the world. By Gwyneth Rees
"A History of Seeing in Eleven Inventions" by Susan Denham Wade is a rigorous yet entertaining read that will profoundly change readers’ perspectives on how humanity has developed, and the crucial role that sight has had on shaping our sense of identity and place. By Timothy Arden
As a child, illustrator Andrew Hammond sometimes felt like an outsider among his peers for not enjoying reading. He struggled to digest the words on the page, wanting to visualise every moment as he read. It was only later that he really discovered the magical universe that reading can open up. Now, he is creating books which he hopes will unlock the joy of reading for a new generation. His illustrated sci-fi and fantasy adventure series, Spacekid iLK, combines mirth...
In this exclusive interview, Dr Ashley discusses his fascinating new book, explains why we are currently in a golden age of genomic medicine, and reveals just how fundamentally the rise of genetic healthcare will transform society for the better.
James Bailey is only 27 years old but, in that time, has suffered nearly half a million epileptic seizures. Yet, as he reveals in his new memoir, Light in the Shadows: A Life of Epilepsy, he sees his chronic epilepsy as a blessing, not a curse. In this exclusive article, James explains why he came to think this way, and how he now intends to help others do the same.
To mark the release of sensational new satirical novel Howul: A Life’s Journey, we spoke with its author, David Shannon, about the long and twisting road to publication.
Author Harry Old speaks to us about her literary inspirations, motto for a happy life, and whom she’d cast in a film adaptation of Operation Bluebird, among other things. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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