The Children’s Inquiry: How the State and Society Failed the Young during the Covid-19 pandemic by Liz Cole and Molly Kingsley is a damning and forensic critique of the treatment of children during the pandemic.
In powerful self-help guide Dream and Achieve, author and ‘Dream Driver’ Kola Olutimehin provides the only mental toolkit you need to help you discover and realise your ambitions.
American philosopher Noam Chomsky once said of Christianity’s holy book that “The Bible is one of the most genocidal books in history”. It’s a truth that can’t be disputed, as anyone with a familiarity with scripture will instantly attest. Yet while we shield children from violent films or computer games, we actively encourage them to read the Bible, and other holy books, with their 18-plus stories of murder, rape and incest. This, combined with the fact that scripture is sometimes...
Gripping romantic thriller The Leopard’s Daughter: A Pukhtun Story by David Raeburn Finn is an original and eye-opening anti-war novel shedding new light on the 20-year war in Afghanistan.
Growing up in Canada within a strictly traditional Lebanese family, Dr. Nahla Khaddage Bou-Diab was denied a university education, because culturally it was believed that women should not have such ambitions but, instead, be content with being housewives. Despite this, she set out to succeed and overcome both xenophobia and institutional sexism to carve out a celebrated career in management. Now based in Lebanon, she is recognised as an inspirational leader as well as a gender-diversity leader who serves as...
Must-read memoir Temporarily Insane by Carl Borgen documents the incredible real-life story of a group of hippies and their decades-long search to discover the hidden knowledge of a fabled civilisation said to be buried beneath the North Pole.
In 2019, acclaimed author and screenwriter Guenther Primig published the first in a series of anthologies that artfully combined the best of classic and contemporary horror. The Dark Book of Gwenna Luna: Six Dreams of the Supernatural wrapped its bone-chilling, atmosphere-drenched tales of terror within a wider narrative arc about a young witch’s attempts to escape a deeply-troubled past and become a force for good. The book became an instant bestseller as horror fans queued up to join the cult...
First-time author Brian Klein, the award-winning director of Top Gear and other major TV hits, delivers a pitch-perfect alternative history political thriller that shouldn’t be missed. By Timothy Arden – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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