"Stark warning to the UK economy that the accelerated levels of growth we’ve seen earlier this summer are not sustainable,” said Duncan Brock, group director at CIPS.
The Association of Independent Meat Suppliers will reportedly meet with HM Prison Service this week to discuss solutions.
Domestic beet producers are worried that the new UK-Australia trade deal will put them out of business.
the pro-Brexit entrepreneur was accused of "hypocrisy" after moving Dyson's global headquarters to Singapore in 2019.
A Scottish pub group said some businesses “will go bankrupt this week and next week because of this distribution chaos”.
"It’s very difficult to date for manufacturers to see any benefit from leaving," an organisation representing thousands of businesses has said.
"I have been running restaurants for the best part of 30 years and I have never before closed a service due to staff shortages. The problem is not Covid, but Brexit," a reputable pub owner has said.
It comes after a difficult 18 months for the often-unsung people who have helped to keep the nation fed during the pandemic.
“This is an admission that far from ‘teething problems’, the government expects supply problems from their rushed Brexit deal to continue indefinitely," Best for Britain's Naomi Smith said.
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