One industry representative said there are 500,000 vacancies across the supply chain, which means Brits should expect food prices to increase.
They had considered hiring European workers at the beginning of the pandemic last year but decided to try and hire locals instead.
He also called for the fast-tracking of Afghan refugees being processed to fill the void of workers.
“Whatever the order is, it could have waited.”
"With the third monthly fall in a row, new order growth failed to impress and work from overseas barely rose."
In recent weeks, with McDonalds unable to stock bottled soft drinks recently across some stores.
The Treasury’s Debt Management Office refuses to say who buys the government’s bonds and gilts, but open-source material suggests US asset managers are big creditors.
In 2019, the Dutch PM warned: “Every businessman I speak to from the UK is saying they will cut investments, cut their business in the UK."
"The epitome of greed!" wrote MP Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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