It comes after business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng promised to help UK firms during the energy crisis - but Rishi Sunak's colleagues denied he has been in talks with them.
Lord Michael Heseltine said the government is “lurching from crisis to crisis” and is “patently not in control” as they are facing warnings of a winter of discontent similar to the 1970s.
Lance Forman, who was a Brexit Party MEP, seemed to forget about a time not so long ago when things were not going so well post-Brexit.
But research found that the proportion of women on boards at FTSE 100 firms is higher than ever.
The new department will help Brexit minister David Frost and prime minister Boris Johnson to find benefits from leaving the European Union, and its new leader will be paid up to £120,000 per year from taxpayers’ money.
Brexit wreaking haddock again.
A recent report found that 42 per cent of fintech workers, who are key to growth in the UK finance industry, are from abroad.
“Like a whack-a-mole game where once one difficulty is resolved, another appears soon after."
“The letter I’ve been sent shows a complete scattergun approach by a government who are desperate to try and sort out a problem that's completely of their own creation," he told The London Economic. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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