"Timpsons are such a lovely company," Jess Phillips said, while Canadian Katherine Ryan responded: "I will find out what Timpson is and buy it."
The Conservatives have managed to win four-successive elections partially on the grounds of their reputation as being ‘strong on the economy’.
In August, prime minister Boris Johnson urged the world to take climate action "now" after a UN report revealed a "code red for humanity" - but a leaked paper now suggests that chasing post-Brexit economic benefits takes priority.
According to the Bank of England, higher borrowing during the pandemic is to blame for putting more businesses at risk.
“And what's the Brexit dividend here? S-Group has already turned to French retailer Carrefour to fill the gap left by Tesco," a journalist has said.
The union also said recent proposals from the UK government will "legalise exploitation".
The backlog will add to concerns over how UK industry will cope with the key Christmas period.
The process is likely to be painful for many business and workers since there will likely be job losses and social disruptions in the years ahead.
"...they (govt) stand back and let businesses be in huge danger while they fight amongst themselves, that's got to stop."
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