The oil giant said it had benefitted from soaring oil and gas prices, pushing profits to $3.3bn in Q3.
The chancellor’s flagship policy will "alter the location rather than the volume of economic activity", the Office for Budget Responsibility concludes.
If energy shortages worsen, EU governments can resort to curbing sales of natural gas and power to 'third countries', which includes Britain as of this year.
There are now 44 direct routes between Ireland and the EU. This time last year there were less than a dozen.
Less than half of a promised £20m post-Brexit pot has been given to small businesses.
The supermarket says initiative could see more than 1.3 million items - worth £500,000 a year - given to customers.
The total value for businesses from the agreement would be “less than half the cost of Boris Johnson’s new yacht”, Emily Thornberry claimed.
Working shorter hours was found to boost productivity due to workers recovering from fatigue and coming into work with more energy and increased concentration.
Ageing populations in advanced economies mean there is an urgent need to raise money, the OECD said. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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