To the dismay of households and businesses, energy tariffs spiked while steep hikes in the cost of oil also saw fuel prices shoot up.
New post-Brexit rules due to come into force from January 1 could also cause delays to shipments as the amount of paperwork required increases.
"We can post to anywhere in Europe with no customs," the Northern Irish bussinessman has said.
"No wonder the Aussie trade minister was so fulsome in his praise for Liz Truss. The Aussies can't believe their luck in negotiating the fastest trade deal in history," one person said.
“The government told us Brexit was done – but it’s barely even started. I know a lot of small businesses struggling to survive with all the red tape since Brexit.”
On Christmas Eve, the government announced it will extend the worker scheme which allows foreign seasonal workers to come to Britain for up to half a year to do horticulture jobs which have been left vacant.
The government encouraged fishermen to back Brexit and then sold fishermen down the road, first mate Charlie Waddy has said.
The South West and North West regions have the highest number of pubs at 5,739 and 5,361 respectively, according to the Government figures.
“People are livid. When they made the announcement they said it was a thank you to 'all colleagues'", one person said. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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