It comes amid the cost of living crisis, which will result from surging energy prices and increased national insurance contributions in April.
The Lib Dems have urged Boris Johnson’s government to close a loophole which peers fear would let illegal cash from Russia and other parts of the world into the UK.
"Evidence right here: that gas prices have risen because of industrial scale gas lighting," actor Omid Djalili has said.
The pint bottles comeback would make Winston Churchill proud, as this was his favourite champagne measure.
“This will have a devastating impact on workers and their families,” GMB union national officer Ross Murdoch said.
The sobering announcement has been has been termed 'Black Thursday'.
The business said profits have risen dramatically in the last few months.
The UK, on the other hand, looks increasingly like "the only country in history to declare sanctions on itself", David Schneider said.
One campaign group leader said she sees "little to no benefit for UK energy customers or taxpayers", and that "the only winners are the oil firm behind the project”. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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