“The government has no excuse. All that is lacking, it seems, is the will and attention of the current administration," one MP said.
“Ultimately, a migration strategy is not a substitute for an economic strategy."
"We've had a run on champagne - the poshest champagne", one bartender at a City pub said.
Mairead McGuinness confirmed non-EU, UK-based companies will no longer be able to carry out their activities from the bloc from June 2025, in a further blow to British financial services.
MEP Axel Voss said the company “cannot just blackmail the EU into giving up its data protection standards.”
Trade with fellow European Union members, conversely, picked up by 16.8 per cent.
The former Brexit secretary tried to blame the EU for disappointing trade data - but it quickly backfired.
The north is a "less desirable location for business" and "suffers from a less attractive skills mix than London", says the government who wants to 'level up'.
Parliament's watchdog concluded that the "only detectable" impact of Brexit so far is "increased costs, paperwork and border delays".
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