ONS figures also show that exports to the EU decreased by £2.5 billion, a 8.7 per cent drop.
“When I see vulnerable people, I always feel that my pot of money can do more for them than it can for me, so it’s better spent on them.It’s purely about helping fellow human beings.'
A month ago, Shell reported a 14-fold increase in profit...later in the day energy regulator Ofgem announced a 54% hike in energy bills for the average UK household.
"As I live and breathe I will never, EVER stop reminding them of this," the poverty campaigner said.
“As an alternative, we would encourage customers to opt for more environmentally friendly and sustainable options such as mini portable barbecues, ensuring they are used responsibly.”
"I think people have really got behind the fact that I started with zero pounds, and no savings, and I’ve climbed up that ladder a picnic bench at a time."
McDonald's said it would continue to pay the 62,000 employees in Russia although the company “cannot ignore the needless human suffering unfolding in Ukraine”.
"I don’t think there is anybody who would condone a weak system which allows money to fall into the laps of crooks, and that’s what I saw happening."
Southern Water was handed a record £90 million fine for 6,791 unpermitted sewage discharges last summer.
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