A Treasury official working on the water privatisation project said the scheme failed to secure value for both taxpayers and water consumers.
Meanwhile, Boris Johnson's spokesperson has said there will be no further government intervention before the Tory leadership race ends
It comes as UK workers suffer a record-breaking pay slump
"We're looking at 900 redundancies plus."
“What Brexit has not done by itself, Brexit coupled with Covid and high inflation have succeeded in doing. The UK economy is crushed.”
At one point the company of around 50 people became more valuable than Alibaba on the stock market.
Decision makers hiked the Bank’s base interest rate in the biggest single rise since 1995, as they tried to control the runaway inflation.
CEO pay has bounced back post-covid but the pay for frontline staff who kept businesses operating during the pandemic have seen their pay flounder.
Investors piled into London-listed banks after HSBC this morning said profits hit $9.2bn (£7.5bn) for the six months to June.
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