Spoiler: It's the same man who said there would be an “eight per cent drop” in the cost of living on “day one of leaving the EU”.
Let's nationalise British Gas and donate 100 per cent of its profits to struggling customers, campaign group Momentum suggested.
Argos has come under attack from social media warriors for changing 'two-man delivery' to 'two-person delivery'.
Lord Heseltine said that Margaret Thatcher squandered billions from North Sea oil on a short-term consumer boom when she should have invested it.
The jump in executive pay means that the average UK CEO now collects 109 times that paid to the average British worker.
Shifts in energy prices will lead to inflation "entering the stratosphere", Citi bank say.
She's not even prime minister yet and the economy is tanking.
The minister also claimed his efficiency drive has saved the taxpayer £4 billion this year
It comes well ahead of the next-highest inflation rates seen amongst the G7 countries
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