A whopping three-quarters of UK businesses have been struck by labour shortages, a damning new survey has found.
"If this was a Labour Chancellor every national newspaper would be calling for his resignation," Peter Stefanovic said.
A policy brief report released in August found that the rise in vacancies in the UK was highest in jobs that relied most heavily on EU workers - such as warehouse and transport workers.
It reported that customers in Europe wanted to take British beer but that it was not cost-effective.
Pension funds are natural buyers of long-dated gilts because they provide risk-free guaranteed income decades into the future.
"I have a feeling that in a few years people are going to do what they always do when the economy tanks. They will be blaming immigrants and poor people."
“It appears everyone is unusually united in their objection to the Treasury’s tax-cutting plans."
The Bank said: “Were dysfunction in this market to continue or worsen, there would be a material risk to UK financial stability."
The Treasury moved to settle the markets with the promise of a Budget next spring as the pound tumbled against the dollar on Monday.
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