Business and Economics

Business and Economics News

Most of London’s small businesses still confused about sorting rubbish

A new survey has revealed there is a concerning lack of knowledge amongst Britain's small business when it comes to disposing of hazardous waste. The study of more than 1,000 SMEs, conducted by waste and recycling company Biffa, found eight out of ten are leaving themselves open to fines and prosecutions, with only 20 per cent of companies disposing of their hazardous waste legally. Despite an overriding confidence in how to manage their business waste (95 per cent said it wasn't...

Own a 2 million pound C.London pad for price of 1 bed in Croydon

By Steve Taggart I think I can speak for most of us, when I say we all would like a central London des res, for the price of a flat in a down market part of town. It is the stuff people dream of, and the type of conversation that can be overheard in every London gastro pub most evenings. The kind of loose chat you have after five pints of the local guest ale (and no you couldn't still...

The economic consequences of a Yes vote

By Valentina Magri On Thursday a 307-year long union might come to an end. In just a matter of days we will know whether Scotland will become independent from the UK, with fierce arguments being fielded from both the Yes and No camps. The vote is currently on a knife-edge, although our poll found 68 per cent of people believe a Yes vote is the most likely. The first YouGov poll suggesting a victory of the Scottish National Party (SNP), published on September 6th, alarmed both...

If I lived in Scotland, the temptation to vote yes would be overwhelming: but I wouldn’t do it

By Andy Irwin This week will be one of the most significant in British history. Three days out from the vote on Scottish independence, there is much to celebrate and admire from the process. An unprecedented number of Scots are expected to go to the polls on Thursday. Even those who don’t know how they are going to vote (and they are many) will be making their way to their local voting station. Sixteen year olds will vote in the...

8 top budget meeting spaces in London

By Steve Taggart It’s back to school and back to the boardroom. If you are organising a small or large meeting this autumn and don’t want to blow your budget before the Christmas party season kicks there’s no need to spend a fortune – here’s our pick of some of central London’s frill-free and functional meeting spots - a good place to start scaling back expenses without any detrimental effect on business. Here are the top eight affordable meeting spaces...

London’s Leading Role in Global Divorce.

By Ayesha Vardag, President of London family law firm Vardags The label of divorce capital of the world has stuck definitively to the fashionable collars of our great city. London, of course, is celebrated for many things: its stunning historical architecture, the exquisite depth of its arts and culture scene, the indomitable pulse of its financial services industry. Yet, possibly contrary to first appearances, being the global centre of high-net-worth divorce is also an accolade that we should applaud. The...

20 tips for creating agency-level content

By Samuel Hurley, Senior Marketing Executive at Kurve Digital Marketing “There is no time for cut-and-dried monotony. There is time for work. And time for love. That leaves no other time.” It may sound grand to kick off an article about 2014's best creative content tools with an inspirational quote from fashion revolutionary Coco Chanel but, if you're not feeling inspired by your content, you're taking the wrong approach. There's simply no more time for cookie-cutter, paint-by-number web content if...

Why two thirds of the crisis was not our fault

By Valentina Magri It was mid-September when the two major economic events that have irreparably changed our lives occurred: the Northern Rock bank run in the UK (13th September 2007) and Chapter 11 for Lehman Brothers in the US (15th September 2008). In the Eurozone today Italy and France are sick and Germany does not feel very well. The UK is out of recession and the economy is in better shape than its European counterparts, even if some labour market issues have not...

Fixing the Gap in Skill Level without Hiring or Firing

By CEO of Mettl, Ketan Kapoor Even though hiring activity has improved in recent months many executives have reported how difficult it’s been to fill highly-skilled and upper-management positions. Employers who seek out stronger talent end up eliminating employees who bring little to the table, in exchange for new employees who require additional time and training. I believe we can fix this gap in skill level without always resorting to more hiring and firing, if we start by investing in the...

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