Business and Economics

Business and Economics News

Regulating Corporate Capitalism: Jean Tirole

By Jack Peat, Editor of The London Economic  There are very few big industries in existence today that are not overrun by big companies. Take a minute to count how many rail operators there are in the UK or mobile phone companies, banks or electricity firms and you’ll struggle to move past your first five fingers. In a world where corporate capitalism is allowed to run riot, understanding how to keep big firms in check has become of paramount importance....

Can Investing in Eco-Friendly Transport Really Help a Business?

The general public is becoming increasingly conscious of business ethics. Look at the front pages of newspapers, Twitter feeds, the placards of street protesters and it’s clear that ethics and particularly the green aspect of business ethics is something that consumers are particularly keen to see businesses addressing, and not just with false promises. While greener business practices undoubtedly help the planet, do CEOs really take this into consideration when deciding on their company’s eco policy? In the black and white,...

The changing reality of what we leave behind

 By Anand Ramdeo, founder of Planned Departure Only a decade ago most of us would never have even considered that our digital lives would eventually have real financial, not to mention emotional value.  Yet recent research by PwC revealed that the sum of unclaimed digital assets in the UK amounts to £29 billion. This same research points to the fact that 32% of consumers still keep paper copies to store their information, which only goes to show how much more rapidly...

Preparing for this year’s risk of floods – is your business covered?

By Steve Taggart As the winter draws closer and the darker evenings creep in, we are reminded of how the UK weather really can pack a punch. This forces us to question how prepared we really are for the upcoming cold temperatures, flooding and snow that is already being predicted this year. With the extra rainfall that fell last year and the series of horrendous floods that followed up and down the country, it is not just our homes but...

The Conservatives come fighting back, but will it work?

By Gregory Taylor  It was not the best start for the Conservative Party Conference, but things have gone rather better than some would have thought. On Saturday night we had seen one MP joining UKIP and another minister standing down because of a sex scandal. For political geeks like me, it’s great political news. The Tories came back fighting and managed to avoid just discussing the EU and immigration, although both are very important. Rather, welfare, economic policy, the NHS and education...

Crowdfund your movie masterpiece

By Alex Barrett Getting an independent film funded and made has always been, and probably always will be, extremely difficult. There's been much talk of the 'democratisation' of filmmaking and of how the digital 'revolution' has levelled the playing field, enabling films to be made quickly and cheaply. This is true to an extent, but it's also relative. For instance, £150,000 is considered, in filmmaking terms, a 'microbudget' – but while that might be next-to-nothing for a film budget, for...

Go West Doesn’t Mean Go Broke

By Ana Zoria Go west doesn't mean go broke: young professionals West London survival guide West London became popular amongst the wealthy centuries ago and that’s still true today. The Village of Palaces, known today as Chelsea, has been a residence of royalties and a hangout of bourgeois bohemians since the 17th century. Today, the Victorian-style accommodation found in abundance across West London is home to financiers, socialites, Russian oligarchs and other Gucci-belted wealthy individuals. No secret, these lucky individuals and...

Life in the time of a housing bubble

By Valentina Magri 'Welcome to the world’s most costly city' should be placarded at every entrance of London. Mindful tourists and Londoners have already noticed house prices rocketing, but an official confirmation came on 23th September. In light of this news, let’s have a look to the prospects for real estate in Britain, along with some useful tips to cope with the housing bubble. The new record of London A survey by the real estate agent Savills reports that London...

What Tesco has done and why we should care

By Simon Bartram Tesco is being investigated by the Financial Conduct Authority following its admission that it overstated its half-year profit guidance by a quarter of a billion pounds, leaving the troubled supermarket giant red-faced. However, what do we know about this accounting scandal, and why should people care? Tesco has been embroiled in scandal after the supermarket giant admitting it had overestimated first-half profits to the tune of a quarter of a billion pounds. Early reports suggest that Tesco misapplied...

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