Business and Economics

Business and Economics News

In Pictures: Edinburgh Airport Auctions Old Equipment

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  Bargain hunters bagged hundreds of cheap deals this week in a bizarre auction at Edinburgh Airport. Security scanners, a fire engine and two planes were just some of the items which went under the hammer for “scrap value” as airport chiefs flogged off their old equipment. The auction of redundant equipment included arrival and departure signs, airport vehicles, terminal seating and two old Fokker 27 aircraft used for fire training. A 2004 Schmidt snowplough valued at over £10,000...

Eurozone: Springing into recovery

  By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  Europe is getting back on track, according to Schroders' Senior European Economist Azad Zangana, who believes the unclogging of the banking sector along with falling oil prices and quantitative easing is prompting better-than-expected results. Despite Greece being nowhere nearer to agreeing the terms of its next bailout, raising the likelihood of a forced exit from the eurozone, peripheral markets have seen little contagion and there is even room for optimism in Europe. Firstly, Zangana argues, the weaker euro...

Five Year Plan For Bringing Down Business Energy Bills

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  A new infographic has been built by Project Lower to help businesses cut their energy bills. The resource outlines a five-year plan with information on how businesses can save money on their energy bills whilst creating a greener and more efficient workplace. With 42 per cent of workers saying that the recent economic crisis has made it more important to make the workplace more sustainable, this tool could be a useful 'how to' guide for...

Will Google kill TTIP (and does it even matter)?

By Alan Owens, Partner and Head of Technology at law firm DWF The current Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations explicitly fail to address the big issues facing the global tech industry – data and US dominance. These issues have come right to the fore following the recent EU action against internet giant Google. Google has been in the crosshairs of the EU for some time, replacing Microsoft as its US tech target of choice. On 27 November last...

Smarkets Pass £1 Billion Traded Milestone

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  Next-generation betting exchange Smarkets has reached the one billion pound traded milestone. A strong response to the Cheltenham Festival and record-breaking interest in the Grand National built on momentum from 2014 pushing the company over the £1 billion mark. Cheltenham saw trading volume grow by 320 per cent year-on-year, whereas the response to the Grand National smashed the company’s one-day record for GBP volume traded, recording a revenue increase of 359 per cent. Revenue has snowballed in the...

Over 3/4 of small business owners think mobile tech impresses customers

By Steve Taggart According to new research small business owners believe that having technology tools such as mobile apps makes them look good to their customers. The survey by build-your-own app provider has revealed that improved customer perception is seen as the biggest overall benefit when it comes to investing in app marketing. Restaurants, cafes and coffee bars feel their app has the biggest impact on customer perception (89%), followed by three quarters (75%) of hair and beauty businesses and 79% of...

A Business Guide for Relocating to China

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  For the 11th consecutive year, China has been identified as one of the world’s top destinations for international business re-location.  The Chinese rate of development continues to draw in foreign investors from around the world. China is one of the world’s fastest-expanding major economies displaying growth rates of roughly ten per cent over the past three decades. This, combined with the fact that China now boasts the world’s second largest economy, has transformed the country...

How can charities make money in the digital era?

 By Anand Ramdeo of Planned Departure - According to Government figures there are more than 160,000 registered charities in England and Wales. Fundraising is a key source of income generation for many and, for some, the only source of income. In this digital era, new opportunities for income generation are opening up to charities. Online, mobile and digital legacy are three areas where charities should be concentrating their efforts. As is well-known, the social media network is vast. But just how vast?...

Transform your life in 8 weeks

By Richard Harris Everybody wants to be successful but, in today’s society, everybody wants it now. Impossible? Well actually, no! Whether you’re looking to achieve success in your personal life, career, family life or education, success is a lot easier to achieve than you’d think. The first mistake people make is over thinking the higher details and end goal. The first thing you need to do is break your goal down into two key stages: 1) what is your end...

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