Borrowers are already facing big increases in monthly bills thanks to mortgage rates moving higher.
Academics say any gains will depend on the possible future expansion of the CTPPP, which as things stand looks both unlikely and undesirable.
"If we believe that WNI is a better measure than GDP, then this drop by more than 9 per cent within 7 years is worrisome."
The chief economist of the Bank of England has told Brits to stop asking for a pay rise and "take their share".
Forecasts suggest the UK will be 15 years late in hitting £1 trillion annual export target set by David Cameron before the Brexit referendum.
“Brexiteers said their closest EU neighbour would be “doomed” – now it’s set to be the top-performing economy in Europe this year.”
"The jury is in, the fat lady has sung, there is no debate anymore."
Here we answer some key questions about what the latest GDP figures mean for the economy and people’s money.
Brexit, meanwhile, is expected to reduce the UK’s potential economic growth by about 4 per cent in the long term. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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