Categories: Business

Introducing EzTrader – the options trading platform

Options trading is a fast paced, fascinating and potentially highly rewarding form of financial trading that allows individuals to invest and trade in options – also known as binary options trading and digital options. introduce EzTrader, the options trading platform.
What does it involve?
An option essentially describes a financial contract, giving the owner the right to buy or sell an asset at a fixed price, before or on a certain date. Although the owner has the right to do this, they are not obliged to do so. The trades are called sells and puts.

If the underlying price of the asset fluctuates in the direction that the trader has anticipated, he or she will make a profit. Otherwise, the trader can let the option lapse and lose only their option price.

Like a bond or stock, an option is a form of security – as well as being a legally binding contract with specific properties and terms.

Assets you can trade
With the EzTrader platform, you can trade stocks, commodities, currencies and indices depending on your preferred class of binary trade. Different traders tend to prefer different asset classes and will develop a specialism in them, learning to appreciate their different natures and using the available resources on the platform to grow their knowledge and experience profitable performance over time.

EzTrader was launched in 2008 and is still one of the best regarded binary options trading websites on the market – with many other providers having attempted to follow the model themselves since. The site is simple, offers low minimum trading levels to help new users get to grips with the skills involved, and is still unique for being so highly focused on the customer – in terms of up-skilling them, supporting them and ensuring that they have all of the tools and information that they need to genuinely get the most of binary options trading.

The value of EzTrader
Because options trading is fast paced, dynamic and wholly reliant on the acquisition of real-time information, online platforms are fast becoming the portal of choice for options traders. EZtrader is one of the leading options trading platforms, and it offers a host of benefits to users.

Attention and support
EZTrader offers each customer a full range of support and assistance to help them develop into a confident and effective trader. The platform is owned by the biggest binary options trade broker in the world, and every trader receives a personal account manager.

Understanding the risks and rewards
New traders rapidly have to understand the risk and reward pay-offs of each binary trade. It can certainly be risky – but also profitable, dynamic and simple to execute online via the platform. With only two possible trade outcomes, this kind of financial investment is simple and keeps the trader in control.

Accessing vital information
Via the EzTrader platform, users can access a vast range of targeted financial information that helps them to grow their knowledge and get better results from their trades. The site includes global stock market reviews on a daily and weekly basis, along with analysis and performance indicators for binary options assets. We also have a regular blog which is filled with useful information and the latest insight, analysis and commentary in the industry.

Trading guidance and tools
Newer traders will benefit from the range of trading information, guides and tools in the EzTrader education zone, with a full trading guide available to get up to speed fast. For new and experienced traders alike, these guides are packed with rich analytical techniques and articles that help the user to grow, evolve, implement better trading strategies and ultimately increase their chance of realising a better profit.

Available on the go
One of the key benefits of the EzTrader system is also that it is available on the go and via your smartphone or tablet. This is a huge advantage to traders who want to be able to check their performance and place trades whilst they are out and about, rather than waiting to be near a PC or laptop. Simply download the app from the App or Android store.

A secure account
Each user account is completely secure and password protected. Credit card details are stored in a secure and encrypted private account which cannot be accessed, and which offers trust, security and peace of mind. The EzTrader platform regularly benefits from the latest security system upgrades and uses best in class technologies to ensure that users benefit from the best possible experience. You can see all of our credentials on the website and accreditations which demonstrate our quality ethos.

Award winning and self-developed
Our platform has also won accolades and awards for its quality offer. Other competitors simply buy in ready-made and off the shelf packages for their customers to use, but at EzTrader, we develop all of our own software, test it, audit it and ensure it is completely fit for purpose and designed to suit the needs of our customers. By owning the software development process and by listening to our customers, we can constantly look to add new features and services that provide real value and offer traders the chance to benefit and enjoy more profitable trades.

Our spin off offer – EzTrader FC
Don’t forget to see the sister website at – which combines the best of option trading with football style gaming and an FC theme! It is fun, dynamic, fast paced and combines the best of financial asset trading and football – a fantastic hook up for traders who love the lure of the game in all of its guises!

Get involved today
Sign up to EZ Trader now to begin accessing all of the benefits, and don’t forget to check out the blog at to learn more about the platform, the market and the latest news and movements in the options markets.

You can also contact us directly with any questions that you might have – our experienced services team are on hand to help you get started and offer any advice and guidance you might need to set up your user account.


Featured image by Allan Ajifo [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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