Advertising your business is important to expand and increase popularity. However it can be costly and time consuming. We look at how to advertise correctly and address who the audience is to reach out to.
Advertisements are all around us, from websites to television to even on cars. It’s essential to publish your brand and not be afraid to start displaying them. However, with that being said there is one major thing before you start, and that is; it can be expensive displaying them. So what should you do?
There is a checklist you must first do before starting to display ads.
Data Label carried out a survey on people noticing adverts on Twitter versus advertisement on vehicles. The results were as follows:
There are assessed to be around 6000 tweets sent each second. However research demonstrates that only 1% of your devotees will actually see your tweet, and even less individuals will connect with them; Just 0.5-1.0% of followers will engage with them.
Depending on where you’re situated, either being in a city or town, driving on the road can be a great way to display ads. As shown from the survey results, we can see the difference in publishing your brand versus Twitter.
Certainly a strategy people probably didn’t recognise to have been so beneficial. The survey was conducted from 500 people and as you can see vehicles are more noticeable for advertisement than Twitter. Consider a new tactic for your business, the old lost cost way to advertise. People driving around with displayed ads on their cars can acquire around 6,000 potential viewers when driving 10 miles.