New data shows UK could be £26bn better off with ‘closer EU alignment’
Is the Brexit fantasy falling apart after less than a decade? Dissent is growing rapidly - and closer EU alignment has its financial benefits.
Tom has had a journalism career that's taken him across the world, and he specialises in the production digital content. With a keen interest in politics and current affairs, there's always something for him to write about...
Is the Brexit fantasy falling apart after less than a decade? Dissent is growing rapidly - and closer EU alignment has its financial benefits.
In his scorching takedown of Brexit, Jeremy Clarkson also stated he'd join Alan Sugar and 'crawl back' to the EU on his hands and knees.
Those pesky paper straws, eh? Another Liz Truss conspiracy theory has dropped, and it's an absolute banger.
Time Magazine have very much printed what we were all thinking - and the 'President Musk' stuff doesn't sit well with Donald Trump.
Pep Guardiola here, seeing through certain politicians like he sees through the tactical plans of most opposition teams...
They won the vote nine years ago, they've been out of the EU for five years, and yet... the Brexiteers are still mad at everything.
Lord Foulkes, a senior Labour Party figure, wants to end 'archaic' rules that protect the Royal Family from critical questioning.
Who'd have thought it? David Davies, who served under Rishi Sunak, is now imploring employers to consider people with more practical skills.
As relations between Canada and the US continue to deteriorate, one MP has refused to hold his tongue on Donald Trump. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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