New poll shows majority of voters want another vote on Brexit ‘within five years’
New research has revealed that Gen Z is overwhelmingly in favour of rejoining the EU - and most voters want a second referendum.
Tom has had a journalism career that's taken him across the world, and he specialises in the production digital content. With a keen interest in politics and current affairs, there's always something for him to write about...
New research has revealed that Gen Z is overwhelmingly in favour of rejoining the EU - and most voters want a second referendum.
It was a simple yes or no question, but James Cleverly didn't give anything away when pressed about his stance on Frank Hester.
The billboard, which is in place for the next six months, will be updated when the new Register of Members' Interests is published.
The French regulator SAYS energy bills will soon fall by at least 10% - which is in stark contrast to what's happening in the UK.
Fewer highly-skilled foreign workers are trying to find employment in the UK, as many companies surveyed blame Brexit.
Tony Blair also called for the UK to 'repair its relationship' with the EU, and slammed the Brexit campaign for the biggest lie of the lot.
How much time does Keir Starmer have to listen to Laura Kuenssberg's assumptions? Judging by this, the answer is none at all...
Well, this is awkward. After initially doubling-down in their printed claims, the Daily Express has had to issue a rather humbling correction.
Oh, the irony. Calvin Robinson is fleeing the UK and emigrating abroad - with some of his past comments coming back to haunt him. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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