Boris Johnson’s book is being upstaged on store shelves by a parody version
After all the trouble he went to for this, it is objectively very funny that Boris Johnson's book faces competition from its own parody.
Tom has had a journalism career that's taken him across the world, and he specialises in the production digital content. With a keen interest in politics and current affairs, there's always something for him to write about...
After all the trouble he went to for this, it is objectively very funny that Boris Johnson's book faces competition from its own parody.
The reported £22 billion 'black hole' in Britain's finances is dwarfed by the actual cost of Brexit - and the figure is set to rise further.
A bollocking from Brian Cox just hits different - and he came up with an insult for the ages to describe Robert Jenrick this morning.
Genuinely so refreshing to hear a British-based billionaire speak about the 'patriotic' benefits of paying their taxes.
A climate-change denier and a top Tory donor have also been given the boot, as Labour officials look to reshape the Board of Trade.
After picking a fight with the studio audience and the HIGNFY panel, Andrea Jenkyns never really stood a chance here...
Sue Gray has resigned from her high-ranking position in government, saying that her role had 'become a distraction'.
No doubt the usual suspects will be offended again - but Liz Truss is still being haunted by the lettuce that outlasted her in 2022.
The advert, which interviews those worried about winter fuel cuts, features pensioners with a few luxury items. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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