Lewis Oakley

Lewis Oakley

Lewis Oakley is a 24 year old writer based in London. With a focus on lifestyle he has written for Metro UK, Huffington Post and other sites. Lewis has covered topics from Brexit to the decisions made by the NHS. Lewis is also a prominent voice in the LGBT Conversation writes many pieces challenging stigma and pushing for better understanding.

What It’s Like Living ‘On Autopilot’

A report that looks set to send shivers down the spine of business owners everywhere has found that 94 per cent of Brits are drifting through their lives without any real thought of what they are doing. This state impacts performance and productivity at work, with 71 per cent claiming...


In Numbers: The Life of an Office Worker

A new study that spoke to 2,000 people has charted the habits of the average British office worker. With Brits working for an estimated 47 years’ employees have been found to arrive to the office late 1,026 times, take 98 days off sick and endure 1,174 meetings. It may come...

Quiz: See How Much Noise You Can Take

The modern world can be a very busy place and with mobile phones, trains and emergency services that busy place can also become rather noisy. A new study that looked in to the nation’s most annoying noises found that loud eaters, screaming kids – and the “Go Compare” song are...

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