Top Bum trends as PM filmed in fighter jet as airports shut due to runways melting
"Johnson is working through his bucket list. Dread to think what is coming next."
"Johnson is working through his bucket list. Dread to think what is coming next."
"Labour’s Kier Starmer and David Lammy using the Holocaust memorial as a backdrop for their party political video. This is a massive faux pas in Germany."
Andrew Thomas QC said: “We have won the argument already. We have made it clear to Government that they only have to listen to themselves.”
"Initially, the thinking had been that the country should get to know the candidates. Later, the worry became that the country would get to know the candidates", one person said.
A BBC employee who worked covering Prince Andrew’s disastrous Newsnight interview claims to have a photograph that could shatter the Royal Family if it was ever made public.
The 52-year-old, who was elected to the post in May 2021, was caught speeding in a blue Mercedes and a silver Lexus with a personalised number plate.
“Imagine the shock for the former chancellor when he finds out Freeports are allowed in the European Union - about eighty of them are based in EU countries ."
“(The Government’s) deterrent policy of sending asylum applicants to Rwanda appears to have gone unnoticed by those who attempt to cross the Channel.”
"Maybe we should re-name ourselves AAAUK so we're the first country alphabetically while we're at it Tom," tweeted one person. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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