Brexit ‘divorce’ bill goes up to £42.5 billion and people can’t see sunlit uplands over pile of cash we owe – reactions
"Glad this is us holding all the cards, otherwise this would be a monumental waste of money," wrote Toby Earle.
"Glad this is us holding all the cards, otherwise this would be a monumental waste of money," wrote Toby Earle.
"He propped up a lying, law breaking Prime Minister and told Parliament himself he had not attended any parties (later being fined for attending a law breaking lockdown party) but apparently can be trusted as our next Prime Minister!"
"The UK as a whole will pay the price for #Brexit bad faith, and unfortunately with the Government Trussed up by the ERG the price will get higher."
In a judgment on Friday, the High Court judge said the case could proceed, granting permission for part of Harry’s claim to have a judicial review
Never work with children or animals and she inadvertently did with both yesterday after she was ambushed by badgers...
*Don't blame it on the sunshine. Don't blame it on the Coviud. Don't blame it on the Frenchies. Blame it on the Brexit.*
"Each new Mick Lynch interview is better than the last. The man is calm, reasoned and factual. The media are completely befuddled."
Allies of Mr Corbyn had accused Labour officials of sabotaging the 2017 election campaign through factional in-fighting.
As they say in Succession cut back on the 'PJs' (private jets) and you could save a lot of money. But, like Logan Roy, will she ignore this? – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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