As Rooneys celebrate people wonder how long Leicester City’s Jamie Vardy needs to play for
"Anyone know if Jamie Vardy is on a good goal bonus? Might stick him in my fantasy team…" wrote Adrian Admondson.
"Anyone know if Jamie Vardy is on a good goal bonus? Might stick him in my fantasy team…" wrote Adrian Admondson.
“It’s not us who are the aggressors; we have zero interest in fighting a so-called culture war," Rishi Sunak said as he appered to battle with 'left-wing agitators.'
"The most spine chilling, disturbing tweet of the year," wrote one account in response to this plan for John Redwood.
Picket lines were mounted outside railway stations on Saturday, with Aslef saying they were receiving strong public support despite the disruption the strike was causing.
"This Tory government has learnt absolutely nothing from the demise of Boris Johnson," wrote Emily Thornberry in response.
"One of the most concise pieces of political commentary I've heard," in response to Rylan Clark's comments.
"Jack Monroe looks so tired of listening to the absolute bullsh*t that's coming out of the energy man's mouth," wrote one person.
The ruling from the ‘Wagatha Christie’ libel case and Rishi Sunak’s growing desperation are featured among the front pages.
The England and Manchester United footballer Marcus Rashford is featured in a special edition of the popular comic strip. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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