Watch: Arsenal legends hailed for calling out politicians jumping on Lioness bandwagon
"Alex Scott and Ian Wright making such powerful points about the barriers that have faced women’s football, and clubs and people need to get with the programme."
"Alex Scott and Ian Wright making such powerful points about the barriers that have faced women’s football, and clubs and people need to get with the programme."
Sunderland had almost 15,000 more through the gates than the next best-supported side, local rivals Middlesbrough.
Declan Rice says everyone in football is behind former teammate Sebastien Haller, who was diagnosed with a testicular tumour in July.
"Nadine Dorries has just congratulated the English Leopardesses for winning the Commonwealth Squash Tournament at Twickenham."
"The demon headmaster in a casual look for sports day," wrote one person after looking at the image of Rees-Mogg.
"The thin end of the wedge. Next thing you know, they’ll be charging for every NHS service they can," wrote one person in response.
This pun sums it up perfectly...
"Those incredible Lionesses can speak for themselves. They don’t need your divisive agenda piggybacking on their victory," said one person in response.
Mourinho was facing Spurs for the first time since being axed as their manager just before the 2021 League Cup final. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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