Tory MP slams Labour MP over ‘Never Kissed A Tory’ T-shirt but it didn’t work out for them
"It's a joke, and quite a gentle one at that. You lot are so easily offended,' said one person after a Tory MP to offence to a T-shirt slogan.
"It's a joke, and quite a gentle one at that. You lot are so easily offended,' said one person after a Tory MP to offence to a T-shirt slogan.
It was a tight affair throughout most of the contest, with both sides creating but unable to capitalise on chances in a goalless first half, before Fernandes fired home what turned out to be the winner 10 minutes after the break.
"Patrick Minford is such a marginal view even within academia. His views are Economics equivalent of ‘flat earth.’"
It comes as Boris Johnson’s final fortnight in office will see him divide his time between No. 10 and his country retreat Chequers.
“It is clear from the draft that was provided and subsequent exchanges that he intends to present as fact accounts from the previous Commissioner and her team, while ignoring or downplaying the extensive contradictory evidence provided.”
The forecast is an increase of £438 since their prediction on Friday morning, and up nearly £900 in just two days.
"Keyboard malfunction of the week goes to..." wrote one person after seeing the tweet.
"The fact that my existence triggers some people is testament to why we need more Maori advocates in key roles across every sector."
Back in June another man died after jumping in the River Thames while being Tasered by officers. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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