Best comments as Boris Johnson stares into a hole as part of his ‘farewell tour’
"The search for a brexit benefit continues," tweeted one person after seeing the image of Boris Johnson looking into a hole in the ground.
"The search for a brexit benefit continues," tweeted one person after seeing the image of Boris Johnson looking into a hole in the ground.
"Beautiful piece of writing," wrote one person after reading the letter.
Isak the £60million Swedish striker signed from Real Sociedad last Friday but missed Sunday's draw at Wolves because his visa was not sorted in time.
"This is Phil Jones who has survived Ferguson, Moyes, Louis Van Gaal, Giggs, Mourinho, Ole, Carrick, Ralf and still survives to this day without playing."
“Qatar is one of the 11 remaining UN member States where there is some legal possibility that the death penalty exists as a prescribed punishment for same-sex sexual acts”
British policing has 'lost its way' as public fears officers are too 'woke', report finds, as Patel demands they focus on arrests.
Liz Truss missed a BBC interview as she was too busy but managed to tell City A.M. how she will use the City to push the UK forward.
It coems as food bank users are now requesting “non-cook food” after surging energy prices mean they “can’t afford to put the oven on”,
Britons face months of soaring energy bills, double-digit inflation and an economy heading into a potentially lengthy recession. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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