Nigel Farage’s new business venture has left a bitter taste
"Tell us you miss your EU salary without telling us you miss your EU salary," said one person.
"Tell us you miss your EU salary without telling us you miss your EU salary," said one person.
Crabbing and visiting local tea rooms also feature in the top 20 list, as do penny arcades, pier strolls and beach ball games.
It is fair to say that the likely next UK prime minister is not much of a fan of Sadiq Khan and his stewardship of the captial.
“In the current economic climate of high inflation, the rising cost of living, widespread strike action and public services trying to rebuild from the pandemic, now is the time to focus on more pressing challenges than the unpopular privatisation of a beloved broadcaster."
On Thursday, Sky News reported that one woman had been “sexually assaulted by someone who is now a Cabinet minister”.
“Teachers are increasingly angry that their pay is not keeping pace with the soaring cost of living, as inflation reaches unprecedented levels."
Almost half of the public think Boris Johnson has done a bad job as prime minister, the worst rating of any post-war British leader, a new poll has found.
"We need a new way of making decisions, where more voices are heard, not just those at the top. We need the true diversity of the country to be represented."
“More than anything, it also shows that the culture of wasting public money and laughing about it behind our backs goes way beyond Boris Johnson, and will continue until we get rid of this whole wretched Government.” – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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