Pop star’s reaction when someone thinks he looks like a young Liz Truss
The picture shows a 19-year-old Truss at a Liberal Democratic conference opposing the concept of the Monarchy, she met the Queen today...
The picture shows a 19-year-old Truss at a Liberal Democratic conference opposing the concept of the Monarchy, she met the Queen today...
"Thank you. This is about the only thing I’ve read about it so far today that’s made it any easier. What a desperately embarrassing, sorry situation our country is in."
The BBC director-general and chairman addressed Emily Maitlis’ speech while appearing before a Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee.
"It's a deeply unpleasant propaganda video and bears no relation to reality", Margaret Thatcher's former aide wailed.
The departing prime minister’s customary award of peerages is likely to provoke controversy, with even his dad mentioned.
Speaking in Downing Street for the final time as Prime Minister, Mr Johnson said: ‘Like Cincinnatus, I am returning to my plough.’
The sculpture had Twitter users in hysterics, with more than 11,000 likes and comments likening the art to infamous horror character Chucky.
"If you are curious about Boris Johnson's reference to Cincinnatus in his goodbye speech - he was a 5th century BC Roman politician who saved the state from an invasion, then - job done - returned to his farm ('to his plough'). He was also an enemy of the people."
"I suppose the tiny victory of Priti Patel resigning is like when you look down at your arm and realise your eczema has cleared up just before the extinction event meteor strikes the hill you’re standing on."
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