As Queen dies Julia Hartley-Brewer managed to have a dig at France and it backfired
"Using the death of the Queen to bash the French. What a clown," wrote one person after she made her comments about the French.
"Using the death of the Queen to bash the French. What a clown," wrote one person after she made her comments about the French.
Charles confronts those challenges at the age of 73, the oldest monarch to take the throne in a lineage that dates back 1,000 years.
It comes as Buckingham Palace has just announced a period of royal mourning from now until seven days after the Queen's funeral.
Four unions said strikes will not go ahead following the Queen’s death on Thursday afternoon, out of respect for the passing of the monarch.
"Freezing energy bills this autumn is essential, but the PM is making the wrong people pay," said the TUC after it shared the poll findings.
It's straight to DVD for this one, which could be an issue given that most Tory members still rely on VHS tapes they found in bargain baskets at Woolworths.
"That’s Trussonomics for you: delivering personal misery in a failed state faster than anything or anyone else can."
Steve Bray also wasn't too complimentary about two outgoing ministers, Priti Patel and Nadine Dorries as he restarted his protests.
Such hits as "Vote May or we face disaster" and David Cameron is "our only hope" have come back to haunt Liz Truss's press lapdogs. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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