Joe Mellor

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

A better Europe starts with yourself

By Pieter Cranenbroek – International Politics Blogger The European elections won’t be held for another two months but the four biggest political parties in Britain are already warming up to it. After Nick Clegg challenged Nigel Farage to an old-fashioned duel, Ed Miliband and David Cameron have been dragged into the...

Can the US resist a Twenty-First Century Cold War?

By Haridos Apostolides, US Correspondent Once again President Obama is facing resistance in his flanks, handling more than just the Russians over the Ukraine situation. Congressional Republicans in Washington have demanded more action be taken, believing the current sanctions against the Russians are not enough. Senator John McCain denounced the...

Bitcoin in a bit of bother

By Mary Mellor, Emeritus Professor, Northumbria University author of The Future of Money Pluto 2010 Things have not been going well for the bitcoin experiment recently. There have been accusations of money laundering, enabling the global drugs trade, tax and capital control evasion, fraud and theft (leading to the collapse of the...

The Kurds’ White House Refusal

By Lock Bailey Iraqi-Kurdistan President Barzani turned down a White House invitation last month.  Barzani has asked the American government for years to remove the Kurdish people from Washington’s terrorist list yet he has been denied each time.  Barzani’s refusal to visit sends a clear plea: The Kurds are not terrorists, but...

The Budget and the Bigger Picture

By Tim Stacey from The Equality Trust This week is Budget week and there’s been plenty of talk about the tax and spending changes that could be announced. These include increasing the personal tax allowance, which is talked about in terms of helping ‘low earners’, and raising the starting point for the...

Made In The UK

By Adam Walker, Economics Correspondent Are Academic Attitudes Degrading The Manufacturing Industry? Over the past 30 years the UK has gone from housing a manufacturing industry to being an almost entirely service-based economy with a particular emphasis on the financial sector. On The London Economic we have discussed this in a number...

St Nicholas Church

The Gay Marriage Question

The abominable human rights questions being raised over gay marriage will fall on deaf ears until we start asking the right question. Equality has never been the issue. There’s some bizarre notion that members of the clergy come out in a rash when confronted with same-sex marriage, wielding their crucifix...


By Valentina Magri A missed goal and a missing report. They are the main drivers of a revitalised debate over immigration in the UK. The missed goal concerns net flow of migrants. According to recent data over migration in the UK, David Cameron is unlikely to meet his migration target...

Bibi and Obama’s Failed Marriage

By Lock Bailey If opposites truly do attract, then there could be no better chemistry than that of US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Unfortunately, opposites make the poorest couplings in foreign relations—and Bibi and Obama prove this true. Obama is quite left and Netanyahu is...

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