Joe Mellor

Joe Mellor

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Lake Street Dive at Bush Hall

By Harry Bedford  These days beats are generated on computers, voices are manipulated out of recognition and records end up sounding somewhat mundane. So I cannot tell you how refreshing it was to walk into Bush Hall in Shepherds Bush on a warm Thursday evening in May to hear Lake...

The digital revolution of the legal industry

By Mark Edwards, General Manager at, an online legal service providing businesses and families with easy-to-use, professional legal documents and affordable help from specialist lawyers. The world around us is changing and the way we do things has transformed over the past few years. Thanks to the internet, we...

HS2: Do we need it?

By Oliver Ward The Chinese built their High Speed Rail (HSR) in less than two years. In Britain we have been debating the subject for two years, members of all political parties have been stroking their chins in backrooms and passing memos between themselves but its expected completion date is...

To sum up Godzilla in one word: Ridiculous.

  By James Mackney 4/5 Godzilla is old school both in terms of character and this fantastic re-boot. It is a proper monster movie with a heart. It contains nods to Spielberg left, right and centre and manages to tell a monster story a million times better than Peter Jackson...

Mirror Mirror on the wall

  Why Looking Youthful Is The Key To Happiness By Laura Casewell As we get older we all look in the mirror from time-to-time and wish we looked a little younger. Poking and prodding our faces to see what we'd look like with a jab of Botox isn't uncommon for...

Immigration is a consequence, not the problem

By Philip Benton The local and European elections seem to have revolved around one key issue. The Daily Mail reading British public have had enough of failed promises from the Government to keep net immigration under control and have made their views known by voting for anti-EU parties like UKIP....

Fashion Icons from the Past Five Decades in Music

By Charlotte Stringer For some it's their first foray into fashion-territory, seeing their music icon express themselves like only a pop star could, in the most bizarre outfits imaginable. But these are the images that shape our youth and stay with us long into adulthood; that's why the guys at...

Fashion Icons from the Past Five Decades in Music

By Charlotte Stringer For some it's their first foray into fashion-territory, seeing their music icon express themselves like only a pop star could, in the most bizarre outfits imaginable. But these are the images that shape our youth and stay with us long into adulthood; that's why the guys at...

Can anyone stop Rafael Nadal?

by David de Winter - Sports Writer Before some mickey-mouse football competition in Brazil gets underway, there’s the small matter of a little tennis tournament in Paris to sort out.  The French Open is under way on the clay of Roland Garros, but given that the Rafael Nadal has won...

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