Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

The Greek Bailout Fund

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  Amidst the financial blackmail orchestrated by the European Union, the Central Bank and the IMF (i.e, the German government), there is a new people-led movement under way with a remit of saving the country without bankrupting it at the same time. Greece needs a €1.6 billion bailout,...

Heathrow: The Worst Recommendation (Except for all the Others)

So Sir Howard’s Commission has returned its recommendation. After two and a half years of deliberation, pie-in-the-sky proposals, costly marketing campaigns and self-centred political lobbying we have come to the conclusion that you simply can’t move a hub with deliverable expansion proposals. It is the worst recommendation, except for all...

Beer Price Index 2015: How Much!

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent The 2015 Beer Price Index of cities from across the World has confirmed what many of us already suspected; London is a costly place to grab a pint. The average price of a beer in the capital is now £2.92 (how much!) making it the...

Advertising: we’re not Paying Attention to it

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  will.i.am has spoken out about the advertising industry at Cannes Lions awards show, saying despite metrics that prove otherwise, people are simply not paying attention to it. The Black-Eyed Peas founder, singer and entrepreneur joined a panel of media and ad industry leaders this week...

Crimea, Maidan and Ostriches: A Reflection of Ukraine Turmoil

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  The current, ongoing crisis in Ukraine is the most devastating manifestation of East vs West tensions seen since the Cold War era. The Iron Curtain that now runs along the East of Ukraine already bores a physical scar since the annexation of Crimea by Russia on...

How Digital Games Become Educational

By Robert Sun In speaking before many groups of educators, in cities across the nation, I often hear that one of the biggest challenges facing schools today is how to consistently engage and motivate children to learn. Children, as we all know, are natural learners. But much of that instinctive...

Top 10 Wine Bars in London

By Jack Peat, TLE Editor  London is one of only a few truly global markets for wine. Négociants from Old World territories have been sailing wine by the case for several centuries and New World varieties have found fertile ground amongst the city’s liberal taste and worldly cuisines. Which is...

Five Money Habits that should be Extinct

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent None of us are perfect, but being a dinosaur with your dough can cost us hundreds of pounds each year. From auto-renewals to payday loans, there are a copious amount of money traps out there eating into your bank balance, which is why now is as...

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