Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Melania Trump’s Speech “Plagiarised”

Melania Trump has been accused of plagiarising a speech written for First Lady Michelle Obama. Donald's wife Melania was speaking at the Republican National Convention and was widely praised by the media for delivering a rousing speech. But she appears to have lifted at least one crucial section of her speech from the...

Greenland Has Lost A Trillion Tons Of Ice In 4 Years

Greenland has lost a trillion tons of ice in four years, according to a new paper published by scientists in Geophysical Research Letters. Tests using the Cryosat-2 satellite revealed that the North Atlantic island loses ice at a rate of about 287 billion tons per year, which is the equivalent of loosing...

The London Economic

UK To Endure Recession As Growth Forecasts Cut

The UK is set to endure another recession at the turn of the year with growth forecasts cut from 2.6 and 2.4 per cent three months ago respectively, to 0.4 per cent and 1.4 per cent today. "Severe confidence effects on spending and business” have been projected by the EY Item...

Westminster General Election Certainties

Is It Time For Britcoin?

The House of Lords will discuss the possibility of having a central bank digital currency called "Britcoin" tomorrow. Its Economic Affairs Committee will take evidence from the Deputy Governor of the Bank of England on blockchain technology, the distributed ledger that allows Bitcoin to function as an online currency. In...

Gatwick New Favourite In Runway Race

London Gatwick Airport is the new favourite to get an additional runway after pro-Gatwick Sadiq Khan won the London mayoral election and a number of anti-Heathrow MPs were appointed to Theresa May’s cabinet. Betway has cut odds on Gatwick to 4/7 while Heathrow Airport’s odds of being awarded the right to develop a...

New Centre-Left Party “A Real Possibility”

A new centre-left party is a "real possibility", according to Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron. As Labour MPs become increasingly frustrated by Labour isolation and the Lib Dems try to claw back lost seats from the last General Election, the possibility of a new alliance to oppose the Tories is becoming...

Donald Trump Declares War on Terror

US Presidential nominee Donald Trump has declared war on terror following the Nice attacks. The outspoken Republican declared “This is war" after a crazed gunman driving a truck ploughed through crowds in Nice killed 80 and injured 100, the presidential hopeful declared: “This is war.” Even though ISIS has not...

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